Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sponsor Me!

I've mentioned the running before (see February). I am not going much faster or further, I'm doing about 5 miles in 45 an a half minutes now, or 6 miles in 56 minutes, not quite breaking the 9 minute mile. My excuse is that I missed a lot of training in April and May, having done two trips to USA, two to Italy and one to Malaysia.

On Sunday I'll run my best time ever I'm sure, I'm taking part in my first official race, the Adidas - Irish Runner - 5 mile challenge, part of the series of races leading up to the Dublin City Marathon in October. Online entry is still open if you want to participate!

Sponsorship for Aware...

If you are feeling generous I'm collecting sponsorship for Aware, an Irish charity dedicated to assisting people directly effected by depression and increasing public awareness of mood disorders. So if I know you, (and I can see no other reason for you to read this blog), you can sponsor me by adding a comment below, with your name and the amount, I'll collect the money for Aware after I finish the race. Thanks!


Blogger Mark Lenahan said...

P.S. Like my new blogger profile picture?

12:33 AM, July 06, 2006  

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