New British Postage Stamp
This is a personal blog for friends and family. It will contain little or nothing about airlines or travel technology. Instead this blog is about personal news, events and photos. Probably very boring. Not even my Mother reads it!
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Leo, my good man,
Happy five hundred and fifty third brithday!
I must confess I forgot, but our good friend Google reminded me. All always remember what you said about flying:
When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
It is true, now moreso than ever, literally and figuratively. As it happens I am flying tonight to London, for the weekend.
Warmest regards,
P.S. The clock stopped again.
Every now and then I find an application I tell people about, like Skype!, the latest is from those Google people. I admit, I like them, I use their Blogger, GMail (2GB free email!) and I have to love the search engine. My latest favorite online application is Google News -
Google News comes in two parts as far as I am concerned.
First, there are the headlines and news search. These alone are fantastic and make a great browser home page. What is in the news? Search for your home town, your company name, your favorite actor. You get latest news, entirely different results from Google web search which works on far more static pages.
Second, when you have refined your search you can automatically stay current by email. At the bottom of the page of News results is a link to add your search terms to Google Alerts. Follow the link, enter your email address, and you will get an email (up to once daily) when your topic of interest appears in the news. You don't get more than one email a day (e.g. Michael Jackson won't flood your InBox), and if your interest is obscure (like my home town of Ballina) you'll get a lot less. You can have lots of these alerts.
It is basically a free news clipping and tracking service, never seen anything like it for keeping current on any topic.
I forgot to mention Google Desktop Search. Google search your own PC for words or phrases in any file or email message, get instant (sub-second) results. I can no longer live without it. I hope they don't become evil and take over the world.
My new suit arrived from Jantzen Tailor ( in Hong Kong. It took a while, due to a brief mixup with payments, I actually got fitted in February, but once that issue was sorted the suit was here in one week! I got a shirt also. This is easily the best suit and shirt I've ever worn, bespoke tailoring makes a big difference.
Now for the sad part, here are the pics. I'm no model. Bear in mind this webpage is for my Mother, not a PR exercise!